
constructionConstruction’s team of SL ENERGIES, while favoring the hand of local work, also assures the construction of a wind farm. After several years of experiment, SL ENERGIES shows a logistics without defect.

Good control of the various stages of the construction site, the optimization of the extensions of constructions and updated in the knowledge of the technology of wind generators: for us, they are essential elements in the construction and the steering of wind projects.

For the construction of every park, a temporary accommodation area is installed. An Engineer construction site of SL ENERGIES is there present on all the duration of the construction site to assure  the follow-up of these stages:

At first the technical studies (in particular studies of grounds) and of control preliminary in the construction.

Then, we take care of the construction site : the civil engineering (elaboration of the foundations, the access paths etc.) and the electric genius.

The electricity produced thanks to the kinetic energy of the wind requires a connection to the network of electricity to be able to feed the needs for the population. To do it, SL ENERGIES works in close collaboration with his partners EDF – ERDF (distributors and operators of transport networks). We proceed then to a direct connecting in the transport network, or so necessary, we build our own post of connecting.


At the end the works, the wind turbines are delivered by the supplier of turbines whom we shall have impartially and carefully selected, and it according to the criteria which offers us the home site. We proceed then to a period of test to verify the regulations of optimization and test the smooth running of the park. This period precedes the industrial putting into service and the signature of the purchase contract. The park can then begin its exploitation.



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