Wind Energy

imagesIt is about a shape of infinitely durable and appropriate energy.

 It requires no fuel, does not create gas with greenhouse effect, does not produce toxic or radioactive waste. By fighting against the climatic change, the wind energy participates in the long run in the preservation of the biovariety of the natural circles. The reversible and recyclable character of these installations indeed answers the principles of a durable development.

Most of the windmills are silent and present no danger important for birds or other wild sorts.

When big parks of windmills are settled on agricultural lands, only 2 p. 100 of approximately the ground is required for windmills. The remaining surface is available for the farm, the breeding and the other uses.

The property owners often receive a payment for the use of their ground, what increases their income as well as the value of the ground.

 The property of aérogénérateurs by private individuals and the community allows people to participate directly in the conservation of our environment.

 They produce some electricity: without degrading the quality of the sight, without polluting waters (no discharges in the aquatic middle, no thermic pollution), without polluting grounds (neither soots, nor ashes).

In this domain, and in national level, the effect of the windy parks on the human health is beneficial!

 Every megawatt – the hour of electricity produced by the wind energy helps to reduce from 0,8 to 0,9 tons CO’s broadcasts(emissions,issues) 2 produced every year by the production of electricity with the coal or the diesel

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